The oldest village on the Amalfi Coast lies nestled in the green hills, with the Lattari Mountains at its back: I'm talking about Scala! Less well known than the neighboring seaside villages, Scala's history spans the centuries: founded in the fourth century by Roman shipwrecked sailors on their way to Constantinople, it still retains traces of medieval fortifications, such as those of the castle of Scala Maior and the Ziro Tower in the village of Pontone. It is also a fantastic starting point for visiting the Coast, especially for those who want to stay in nature and tranquility. Read the article to find out what attractions in Scala are not to be missed!

by Roberta Cascone

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Ruins of St. Eustace's Basilica, Scala

1. Saint Lorenzo Cathedral

The religious heart of the city of Scala is the cathedral of Saint Lorenzo. It dates back to the 11th century and has been remodeled many times, thus presenting both elements of the Romanesque-Gothic and Rococo styles. Inside it preserves medieval relics, and on the tiled floor is the gridiron, the symbol of the Saint's martyrdom, surrounded by images of angels and flowers.

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2. Minuta hamlet

A hamlet of Scala, Minuta has medieval origins: here you can admire a breathtaking view of the Coastal towns and visit the Church of the Annunziata, founded in the 11th century, which still retains colorful traces of 15th-century frescoes.

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3. Saint Eustace's Basilica

Another evidence of Scala's long history is the ruins of the Basilica of St. Eustace. The basilica dates back to the 12th century, when it was built by the D'Afflitto family. It is a magnificent example of Romanesque architecture, with three naves and three apses, which on the outside are decorated with interlaced arches colored in shades of ochre and blue. Visit the remains of this church: it is a truly impressive experience!

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4. The Ziro Tower

The elevated position of the village of Scala meant that in medieval times castles were built here for defensive purposes and in strategic positions. One of the most emblematic testimonies of the period of the Duchy of Amalfi is the Ziro Tower: reachable only by a truly fascinating path, which I told you about here, it is said to have been the scene of a bloody event, namely the death of Joan of Aragon and her children, who were walled up alive right inside the tower. A truly chilling story! 

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5. Ferriere Valley

Among the most well-known and beloved paths on the Amalfi Coast there is one that starts right from a hamlet of Scala, Pontone: I'm talking, of course, about the Valle delle Ferriere! A nature reserve of about 450 hectares, the valley is a must-see if you are a nature lover. The hike will take you through enchanted forests, home to rare animal and plant species, and along the way you can admire the streams and waterfalls of the Canneto River, which was once used by the famous Amalfi paper mills. Absolutely not to be missed!  

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  • The terrible death of Joan of Aragon was ordered by none other than her brother, Cardinal Louis of Aragon, who did not approve of the bond between his sister and the court butler, Antonio Beccadelli. 
  • Among the various rare species that inhabit the Ferriere Valley is a species of giant fern that dates as far back as the Tertiary period, the so-called Woodwardia radicans.

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